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What do you have around you?

Hey yall! Whewww, Ok, It's definitely been a hot minute since I've posted a blog. Do people still read blog post? Well, I'm here anyways, so here goes...

As most of you may know, this year has been pretty tough year for me. Starting out in January 2023, I lost my mother to cancer. A few months prior to this, I immediately stepped into the role of a full time caregiver of my father. I love my dad, I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to care for him. However, this is HARD work yall! It's more so mentally challenging than physically challenging.

At the beginning I struggled with my calling and where life has brought me. I struggled during the year to show up for myself because of the transition. However, It's going on a year since all of this change started, and I'm in a much better place. Still a work in progress. I'm doing my best to take care of myself with therapy, prayer, reading, and more ways of self care.

In 2024, I vow to take it one day at a time, and do all that I can within the 24 hours that God has given me. What is it that you have around you? It doesn't have to be much. Seriously. Pause and look around around you. In this moment, what do YOU need? Is it rest? How about a good meal? What do you need to release for yourself? Do you need to write it down, or maybe read a book, take a walk. Is there something you've been putting off for a while that you can get done today? Is there someone on your mind that you want to reach out?

This is the approach I'm taking in 2024. Each day, I WILL do something that is for me. Life is short. I've been reminded of that in many ways this year. I'm grateful for another day, another year, and another chance to do better.

Cheers to a new year! Hello 2024!

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